It’s very easy to make some words bold and other words italic with Markdown. You can even link to Google!
Sometimes you want numbered lists:
- One
- Two
- Three
Sometimes you want bullet points:
- Start a line with a star
- Profit!
- Dashes work just as well
- And if you have sub points, put two spaces before the dash or star:
- Like this
- And this
If you want to embed images, this is how you do it:
Structured documents
Sometimes it’s useful to have different levels of headings to structure your documents. Start lines with a #
to create headings. Multiple ##
in a row denote smaller heading sizes.
This is a third-tier heading
You can use one #
all the way up to ######
six for different heading sizes.
If you’d like to quote someone, use the > character before the line:
Coffee. The finest organic suspension ever devised… I beat the Borg with it.
- Captain Janeway
There are many different ways to style code with GitHub’s markdown. If you have inline code blocks, wrap them in backticks: var example = true
. If you’ve got a longer block of code, you can indent with four spaces:
if (isAwesome){
return true
GitHub also supports something called code fencing, which allows for multiple lines without indentation:
if (isAwesome){
return true
And if you’d like to use syntax highlighting, include the language:
if (isAwesome){
return true